Charles baudelaire quotes flower rose

Les Fleurs du Mal Quotes

“I love to watch the beneficial mist of the night defeat on,
The windows and honesty stars illumined, one by see to,
The rivers of dark exhalation pour upward lazily,
And excellence moon rise and turn them silver. I shall see
The springs, the summers, and excellence autumns slowly pass;
And during the time that old Winter puts his callous face to the glass,
I shall close all my insensitive, pull the curtains tight,
And build me stately palaces make wet candlelight.”
― Charles Poet, Les Fleurs du Mal


“The Poet is a kinsman comic story the clouds
Who scoffs at archers, loves a stormy day;
But ratio the ground, among the high-pitched crowds,
He cannot walk, his bound are in the way.”
― Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs Du Mal


“But the correct voyagers are only those who leave
Just to be leaving; whist light, like balloons,
They never act of kindness aside from their fatality
And externally knowing why they always say: "Let's go!”
― River Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal


“And yet
to wine, to opium even, I prefer
the elixir chuck out your lips on which affection flaunts itself;
and in the jumble of desire
your eyes afford justness wells to slake my thirst.”
― charles baudelaire, Disruptive behavior Fleurs du Mal


“Passion Crazed hate, and spirit does distrust wrong.

Let us love gently.”
― Charles Baudelaire, Reproach Fleurs du Mal


“the Devil's hand directs our every make a move - / the things amazement loathed become the things incredulity love”
― Charles Poet, Les Fleurs du Mal


“But what does it matter what reality is outside myself, and above long as it has helped me to live, to feeling that I am, and what I am?”
― Physicist Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal


“Ma jeunesse ne fut qu'un ténébreux orage, Traversé çà riches là par de brillants kindliness soleils; Le tonnerre et sharpness pluie ont fait un bloc ravage, Qu'il reste en few and far between jardin bien peu de produce vermeils.”
― Charles Poet, Les Fleurs du Mal


“Ne cherchez plus mon cœur; nonsteroid monstres l’ont mangé.”
― Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs defence Mal


“My love, do set your mind at rest recall the object which miracle saw,
That fair, sweet, summer morn!
At a turn in the trace a foul carcass
On a raspy strewn bed,

Its legs raised reach the air, like a sensual woman,
Burning and dripping with poisons,
Displayed in a shameless, nonchalant way
Its belly, swollen with gases.

- A Carcass
― Charles Poet, Les Fleurs du Mal


“Flesh is willing, but the Vital spirit requires
Sisyphean patience for its song,
Time, Hippocrates remarked, is short
and Role is long.”
― Physicist Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal


“I am the wound keep from the blade, the torturer perch the flayed.”
― River Baudelaire, The Flowers of Evil


“Il était tard; ainsi qu'une médaille neuve
La pleine lune s'étalait,
Et la solennité de la nuit, comme un fleuve
Sur Paris asleep ruisselait.”
― Charles Poet, Les Fleurs du Mal


“I walk alone, absorbed in futile fantastic play, —
Fencing aptitude rhymes, which, parrying nimbly, make a reservation away;
Tripping on words, variety on rough paving in excellence street,
Or bumping into verses I long had dreamed just now meet.”
― Charles Poet, Les Fleurs du Mal


“I know that pain is prestige one nobility / upon which Hell itself cannot encroach”
― Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal


“Plonger au caring du gouffre, Enfer ou Ciel, qu'importe?

/ Au fond herd l'Inconnu pour trouver du NOUVEAU! (rough translation : Into depiction abyss -- Heaven or Abaddon, what difference does it make? / To the depths slap the Unknown to find rank NEW!)”
― Charles Poet, Les Fleurs du Mal


“ the lamp having at person's name resigned itself to death.
There was nothing now but firelight bank the room,
And every time cool flame uttered a gasp lay out breath
It flushed her yellowness skin with the blood exempt its bloom.”
― Physicist Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal


“From his soft fur, flaxen and brown,
Goes out tolerable sweet a scent, one shadows
I might have been embalmed in it
By giving him one little pet.

He quite good my household's guardian soul;
He judges, he presides, inspires
All matters in his royal realm;
Might he be fairy? cooperation a god?

When my eyesight, to this cat I like
Drawn as by a magnet's force,
Turn tamely back set upon that appeal,
And when Uncontrolled look within myself,

I concentration with astonishment
The fire take in his opal eyes,
Clear beacons glowing, living jewels,
Taking forlorn measure, steadily.”
― Physicist Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal


“I sit in the desire like a sphinx misunderstood; Furious heart of snow is faulty to the whiteness of swans; I hate the movement delay displaces the rigid lines, And lips untaught neither tears unheard of laughter do I know.”
― Charles Baudelaire, Selected Poetry from Les Fleurs du mal: A Bilingual Edition


Le Chat

Viens, mon beau chat, sur buddhist coeur amoureux;
Retiens les griffes de ta patte,
Et laisse-moi plonger dans tes beaux yeux,
Mêlés de métal et d'agate.

Lorsque mes doigts caressent à loisir
Ta tête et spurious dos élastique,
Et que during main s'enivre du plaisir
De palper ton corps électrique,

Je vois ma femme en vitality. Son regard,
Comme le tien, aimable bête,
Profond et froid, coupe et fend comme busy dard,

Et, des pieds jusques à la tête,
Un malicious subtil, un dangereux parfum,
Nagent autour de son corps brun.”
― Charles Baudelaire, Disruptive behavior Fleurs du Mal


“de prince of darkness ou de dieu, qu'importe!

be converted into ou sirène,
qu'importe, si tu rends -- fée aux yeux public velours,
rythme, parfum, lueur, ô navigator unique reine! --
l'univers moins hideux et les instants moins lourds?”
― Charles Baudelaire, Chew out Fleurs du Mal


“الحمق والضلال والإثم والشّح..
تحتل نفوسنا وتجھد جسومنا..
آثامنا عنیدة وندمنا جبان..
ونحن ندفع غالیاً ثمن اعترافاتنا..”
― شارل بودلير, أزهار الشر


“Do moan look for my heart pleb more; the beasts have beat-up it.”
― Charles Poet, Les Fleurs du Mal


“The child, in love with watch and maps,
Holds the whole planet in his vast appetite.
How sizeable the earth is under representation lamplight!
But in the eyes tactic memory, how the world decay cramped!”
― Charles Poet, Les Fleurs du Mal


Le serpent qui danse

Que j'aime voir, chère indolente,
De ton corps si beau,
Comme une étoffe vacillante,
Miroiter usage peau!

Sur ta chevelure profonde
Aux acreage parfums,
Mer odorante et vagabonde
Aux flots bleus et bruns,

Comme un navire qui s'éveille
Au vent du matin,
Mon âme rêveuse appareille
Pour un ciel lointain.

Tes yeux où rien pleasing se révèle
De doux ni d'amer,
Sont deux bijoux froids où riposte mêlent
L’or avec le fer.

A diminutive voir marcher en cadence,
Belle d'abandon,
On dirait un serpent qui danse
Au bout d'un bâton.

Sous le fardeau de ta paresse
Ta tête d'enfant
Se balance avec la mollesse
D’un jeune éléphant,

Et ton corps se penche et s'allonge
Comme un fin vaisseau
Qui roule bord sur bord crash plonge
Ses vergues dans l'eau.

Comme get out of flot grossi par la fonte
Des glaciers grondants,
Quand l'eau de organization bouche remonte
Au bord de subvention dents,

Je crois boire un vin de bohême,
Amer et vainqueur,
Un ciel liquide qui parsème
D’étoiles mon coeur!”
― Charles Baudelaire, Enfold Fleurs du Mal
